
Workshops Organized/Conducted

Sr.No. Activity/Event/ Workshop AY Faculty/Student
01 One day workshop on awareness about various types of cements and concretes manufactured by UltraTech,along with visit to RMC plant 2016-17 Er. ParmarJayesh. and  Mr. Dashputre, Mr. Jha (Regional Head)
02 One day workshop on Training of masons by UltraTech, 2017-18 Mr. Dashputre& Mr. Kulkarni
03 One day Solar workshop conducted along with IIT Bombay initiative on 02-10-2019 2019-20 Students & Faculty
04 One dayQuiz Indikya(National Level Event in collaboration with COEP) 2019-20 Mr. P. N.Pagareand

Dr. N.D. Chaudhari

05 Twodays’ workshop on GIS by  Albedo Foundation, Nashik 2019-20 Students & Staff